Review by William
The different themes of the stories in each comic.
How bright and colourful they are.
Review by Celia
Much appreciated by our Grandson who enjoys reading it regularly
Review by Libby
Subscription was a Christmas present for my 6 year old granddaughter and loves it!
Review by Helen
Fantastic magazine. Keeps my 10yr old laughing for ages!
Review by Gillian
My 8 year old Grandson loves it and we will renew the subscription when it comes up .
Review by MikeyC
Great range of different types of stories. My 6 yr old son loves it.
Review by Grace
I bought this subscription for my 7 year old son, but my 9 year old daughter also loves it. In fact they fight over it. You can take that as a compliment!
Review by AB
My 8 year old son loves this comic and reads the whole thing the minute it arrives.
Review by Lindsay
The kids absolutely adore it, they are thrilled when its delivered
Review by Dan G
A really great way to engage my son in reading. He loves the witty stories and brilliant animations!
Review by RACHEL
My daughter has dyslexia and this is her favourite reading material! I can hear her laughing when she reads it, just brilliant
Review by Clare
When the Phoenix comes through the door, we're guaranteed a good half hour of peace (with the occasional giggle) as my 7-year-old goes through it.!
Review by Lee
My 9 y/o son loves The Phoenix - reads it cover to cover every week, and it’s neither too quick to read or something that takes too long - perfect amount of content. We’ve also bought some of the books, Bunny vs Monkey and Looshkin - they make great gifts!
Review by Samantha
My 6 year old was a reluctant reader until I began this subscription. Now he's 7 and excited every time his Phoenix comes through the door. Can't recommend this comic enough!
Review by Worth it
Got this after reading good reviews on the internet. 6 issues for £1 to start off with, to see if my son liked it. Really liked this, that I didn’t have to subscribe if it wasn’t what he wanted. But he does want it. He loves the comic, can’t wait for it to arrive each week. Everything gets dropped when it comes through the door, until it’s read.
Review by Scott
My kids (8 and 12) love it. They like the characters and drawing tutorials. Glad to get them reading!
Review by Adam
I love that my seven year old daughter gets so excited to see it when she gets back home from school. Her face lights up and she rushes to open it, desperate to see if Looshkin has made an appearance!
I love the attention to detail on every page, and the consistently high quality of the comics.
Review by Yorkie
Fabulous comic, my son loves receiving it each week. We love Doug Slug Man and others!
Review by George
My son (6 years old) loves this comic... sorry "graphic novel" as he calls it... the postman coming on a Thursday morning is the highlight of his week. Has also been brilliant for improving his reading.
Review by Laura
My 7 year old son looks forward to this every week. And actually sits and reads it. A minor miracle!
Review by Sammy
I love the variety of different comic strips and the amazing way they are all drawn. I love how funny they can be, but also the cliffhangers on the adventure comic strips (Mega Robo Bros, Fawn, etc).
On a Friday, just after school I love coming home to find The Phoenix. My brother and sister watch TV but I love reading it straight away.
Review by Jennifer
My 8 year old granddaughter looks forward to receiving her weekly treat. She laughs and giggles at the stories, reading them over and over again. She won’t part with any of the copies.
Review by Jeff
My grand children love it and look forward to getting home from school every Friday to read it. It’s wonderful to share their excitement over the stories. As a comic lover of many years standing this is as good as the comics I read as child.
Review by Gunilla
My 6 year old son is enjoying reading this comic, even if I don’t quite see the attraction myself!
Review by Rachel
I get this magazine for my niece, she absolutely loves it, and she then lets her younger brother read it afterwards and it has helped so much with his reading. Great magazine
Review by Shash
My Son really look forward to get the new copy each week and when it arrives, he finish it in few minutes.
Review by Gudrun
My grandsons love The Phoenix - it gives them a bit of light relief from the demands and pressures of school learning.