How Cosmo helped me love magazines again

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Beauty blogger Lilla from Lilla Loves shares her love for Cosmopolitan, and explains how it’s the perfect mag for 20-something women.


I used to be an avid magazine reader — it was essential for fashion and beauty trends or celebrity gossip — but then social media and the internet changed that. All of a sudden all that info was available whenever and the magazines I bought were out of date before they hit the shelves.

At least… that’s what I thought the problems was. But now I think maybe it was just me changing.

Where I used to be attached to E! and knew every single piece of celebrity gossip out there, all of a sudden I wasn’t interested. I used to at times suffer from verbal diarrhoea about the Kardashians now I really can’t be bothered with them. I realised that I don’t care about the cast of TOWIE (sorry), I’m bored of us being fed ‘role models’ that aren’t fit for the title. Where are the inspiring people that rallied women to burn bras, or fight for the vote? Enter Cosmo.

I'm probably a bit older than the average Cosmopolitan reader, but I still love to read it. I love the styling, the editorials and the smell of the magazine. In summer, it’s especially nice to be able to sit outside with an actual magazine and flick through the pages rather than battle screen glare.

Recently I’ve been aware about exactly how attached to my various devices I am. It’s been so nice to escape them and lose myself in words and pictures, without being distracted by Facebook notifications or that WhatsApp group you have going.

Image via Lucy Lamb

My fav is Jameela Jamil's column. Not only does she have a face that could launch a thousand ships, but a mind that could spark a new generation to care about something other than whether Spencer Matthews will ever be faithful to his latest girlfriend. It is really refreshing to see a celebrity talk about real issues, not just which shade of lipstick is in this season, or filling inches with digs at your ex after a high profile break up.

Her articles are generally about gender issues and I think it's great that there is a voice among the beauty adverts and fashion advice that tells you women are amazing and powerful; that we shouldn't be pitted against each other, because together we are stronger.

Jameela writes with integrity and passion — something that is rare in mainstream media. While Jameela’s features are well written, they are not condescending which, I hope, means it will inspire young girls to have an opinion on hot issues. I also love that she refers to her Indian heritage and highlights how things can be different in some cultures. It’s a breath of fresh air for people like me (I’m half Iranian) to have someone like Jameela talking about experiences that echo your own.

I suppose at 29 I should probably be reading something like Good Housekeeping, but I’m not quite ready to admit that I’m a grown up, so I’ll compromise and firmly hold on to my Cosmo for now.


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