How magazines can change your life

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Did you read Lauren of Belle du Brighton’s review of Storytime magazine via The Hub recently? Magazines are a great tool for learning and development throughout childhood. Whether your children like the stories, the puzzles, the facts and figures or the free posters, buying a subscription to their favourite title is a great idea.

But what about magazines that can help Mum and Dad? We caught up with our parenting bloggers on the Blogger Network to find out which titles they recommend for other parents, whether your child is only just crawling or just finishing primary school.

Lauren of Belle du Brighton is mum to (almost) 2-year-old Athena, and has another on the way

“When you first find out you’re going to become a parent for the first time there are so many thoughts and questions flying around your head, and an obvious way to get some answers is to sit down with a parenting magazine and a cup of tea and have a read.

Do remember that many of the articles and advertorials will have been influenced by current trends, so always get a second or third opinion before you splash the cash on something or decide you are definitely going to follow the advice you’ve read.

Remember that all babies will hit their milestones at different times, so don’t let it bother you if a magazine assumes your baby will be doing something that they’ve not quite grasped yet either.

That said, I loved to flick through Prima Baby and Green Parent when I was pregnant and got lots of ideas from both.”


Emma of Handbags to Change Bags is mum to 4-year-old Riley and 2-year-old Summer

“I think parenting magazines are extremely useful, especially to first-time parents who aren't always sure what to expect from their babies at different stages of their development.

I found Mother & Baby magazine very useful when approaching stages such as weaning, as I wasn't sure when was the best time to start and what was the best way to introduce solid food.

Parenting magazines also introduce you to lots of products that can be very helpful as well as lots of tips to help you along the wonderful but sometimes scary road that is being a parent.”

Lived With Love

Kerry of Lived to Love is mum to 2-year-old Sienna

“I found parenting magazines extremely helpful when I was pregnant. I felt clueless on which products we needed and what brands were good, the tried and tested sections were great help for that. They're also full of fab tips and tricks on getting your baby to sleep or how to start weaning. My favourites were Mother & Baby and Gurgle!”


Hayley of Sparkles & Stretchmarks is Mum to toddler Tyne

“I started reading parenting magazines pretty much as soon as I fell pregnant, and I found them to be really useful - not only do they provide really useful parenting tips and insights, but the real life stories from other mums are always interesting and I've been made aware of some really great baby products through them, which I would probably never have discovered otherwise.

They're particularly useful when you're starting to go through the various challenges of life as a first-time mum such as weaning and potty training. I enjoy Gurgle and Prima Baby most.”

Thanks to our doting parenting bloggers for their contributions.