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Parenting blogger Kerry from Lived With Love shares an inspiring moment from June’s edition of Good Housekeeping Magazine.


I know some people might think Good Housekeeping is a magazine for the slightly older ladies but I really enjoy it and I was really excited to see that Amanda Holden was the cover of the June edition. Not only is Amanda Holden absolutely gorgeous, I think she is very down to earth, so I was looking forward to having a read through the interview.

The article was very inspiring and I feel like we have a few things in common. Amanda and her husband very sadly lost their baby boy in 2011 due to stillbirth at seven months and, after losing our son last year, I feel like I can relate. I know our experiences were quite different but, at the end of the day, we both lost our baby boys.

You can tell from the article that it was obviously hard, but she's been incredibly strong and dealt with it brilliantly. She has gone on to have another healthy baby girl (although she did nearly die in childbirth) and believes she now has the two girls she was meant to have.


After feeling a bit down lately about losing my Rocco, I felt like reading this story gave me some hope and really spoke to me. If someone in the public eye can deal with it, I know I can and I have to have hope that everything will work out in the end. Amanda says she has never been happier. She is juggling her career with mothering her two beautiful girls and feels lucky to have the life she has.

I'm so glad I read the article and could take something from it. Sometimes magazines can really help and inspire you more than you think. I must take the time to read them more!

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