A Summer Salad from Women's Fitness magazine

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Looking for the ideal summer dish? This summer salad from Women's Fitness magazine was whipped up by Rebecca of 'All About You' blog...

One of things that you would expect in an issue of Women’s Fitness is exercise advice and workouts. One other thing that was a pleasant surprise - the delicious and healthy recipes in the issue. I love looking for new recipes all the time, so this was perfect as there was plenty to try.

grilled strawberry salad womens fitness magazine

There were different options like vegetarian and low carbohydrate and as I try to avoid refined sugar as much as I can, it was great to see recipes that were all made from whole foods and nothing processed. My favourite of the recipes that I tried was the grilled strawberry salad. We grow strawberries in our garden and we always have an abundance, so it was the perfect way to use them up as we came to the end of the strawberry season. It was simple and quick to make, as well as being packed full of natural goodness.

The recipe is:

  • Strawberries, chopped and hulled
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Chopped tarragon
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Wholewheat pitta bread
  • Rocket
  • Red onion
  • Toasted almonds
  • Mint leaves, torn
  • Basil leaves, torn

It was simple to make; just grill the strawberries lightly and then put in a salad bowl with the rest of the salad ingredients. You make the pitta bread into chips by chopping them up and grilling them. The recipe was fresh and delicious. and the flavours worked so well together too. I would have never thought of tarragon and strawberries would work together, but it was a match made in heaven. I was excited to take away a new thing that I can cook too. It had never occurred to me to make my own pitta chips. I will be doing this in the future, instead of crisps. They are so easy to prepare; simply chop them up and then put them in the grill for a few minutes. Perfect for this salad, as well as for having with hummus or salsa.

I was really pleased to find new recipes, as well as new workouts to try over in the summer. I will certainly be getting Women’s Fitness from magazine.co.uk again.

Looking for some fresh, healthy recipes to try alongside your 'get fit' regime? Treat yourself to a Women's Fitness magazine subscription today and get creative with some tasty new meal ideas!

This is a guest post via the magazine.co.uk blogger network.