The importance of story time

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Chantelle from Mama Mummy Mum explains how valuable story time is for children, and how her recent subscription to Storytime magazine has fared in her household…

Issue 20 of Storytime magazine

I've always been a believer that reading is important – not just for adults but for children and babies too. There is a wealth of knowledge to be found within the pages of books and magazines. It doesn't matter what age you are, you’ll definitely benefit somehow from either reading something yourself or being read to. This is where the importance of story time comes in to play, especially with children. Whether you're reading to your own children or perhaps as a teacher to a class full of kids, the stories you tell will entertain both you and them whilst encouraging the development of certain skills at the same time. It's quite the gift to give, sharing a love for reading and it’s a lovely way to share interests too.

At home, story time is a way of sharing a special moment with your family, instilling a certain love of stories within them. Of course, the cuddles whilst doing this don't hurt either. My youngest is going through a stage of being princess mad so the latest Storytime magazine has really grabbed her attention. Sleeping Beauty pictured on the front got her quite excited and it's made bed time reading all the more enjoyable. It's also wonderful to see my daughter so enthusiastic about something she’s interested in.

Inside spread of Storytime magazine

At school, story time can be a way of increasing children's attention spans, reinforcing word recognition and allowing them to pick up on details within the illustrations. Asking questions is also a brilliant way of encouraging communication with children who may be reluctant to talk so it’s an excellent aid for confidence boosting.

Stories have a way of solving problems because they teach so many things throughout the pages. From other cultures, places we live and the people that live there to feelings and understanding just how they affect others. Depending on your age, the subject matter is pretty limitless. They are a very useful source of information, something we mustn't forget.

Whether you choose classic books or magazines like Storytime, you can have fun whilst learning at the same time. And the great thing about stories is that they don't have to end when you see "The End" as you can come up with activities to extend the story further.

These tales allow imaginations to run wild, taking us to different lands, meeting characters who we might possibly relate to. Stories begin to show us just how valuable reading can be. I'm a believer that you can never have too many books, just as long as you’re actually reading them!

Love telling stories to your little ones? Subscribe to Storytime magazine and each month you’ll be sent the latest issue, packed full of magical tales that’ll keep your kids enthralled from start to finish.