Wall to wall inspiration with Vogue magazine

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Lifestyle blogger Kerry from Missy Vintage takes inspiration from her youth to create a stylish, grown up look for her own home.

using magazines home decor inspiration

I don’t know about you but when I was a teenager my bedroom walls were full of posters.  Some were of bands I was in to, song lyrics, pictures I just liked, that kind of thing. At some point as we grow up we seem to stop grabbing the blu-tack to stick bits of paper to the wall. I’m not sure why, perhaps as we get older we feel different about the way we use our space.

When we moved house recently I was going through a huge pile of fashion magazines that I’d kept over the years in the hope of having a bit of a bookshelf cull.  However as I was browsing the pages, I was finding that there were parts I wanted to keep including photo-shoots which I found inspiring and articles which I might like to revisit. The cull wasn’t very successful!

vogue magazine home decor inspiration

One day I was looking at fashion photo-shoots online whilst researching a forthcoming shoot of my own and I stumbled across an image of a model posed in front of a collage on the wall made up of various pictures from magazines.  This reminded me of a local pub we have in Norwich called The Birdcage which does something similar on its toilet walls. So I decided to go back to my youth and returned to my mountain of magazines and began creating a pile of tear sheets to beautify a wall.

It’s a thrifty way to decorate a room, if you’re really committed you can use wallpaper paste or you can simply use tape/pins/blu-tack. For me it’s like a giant mood board and I’ll be adding anything and everything that catches my eye but you could go very specific with this idea, for example you could collect images from your favourite fashion house or create a whole wall (or even a room) which is layered with black and white imagery. I can’t wait to keep building up my wall of inspiration!

home decor inspiration from vogue magazine

Magazines such as Vogue are full of stunning visuals, which you could then use to create mood boards and home décor pieces for your own home. Why not subscribe to Vogue magazine today at magazine.co.uk – the possibilities of things to do with a magazine are endless!