High Street takes on designer collections with Vogue magazine

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Inspired by Gucci’s Cruise collection and a copy of Vogue magazine, Kerry from Missy Vintage explains how YOU can recreate a designer look at High Street prices!

january 2016 vogue maagzine

A fashion campaign which is everywhere right now is the Gucci Cruise collection. It’s everywhere to the point I feel it’s driving me to distraction. Having been devouring these images by Glen Luchford for several weeks, I sat down with the latest edition of Vogue to find yet more Gucci deliciousness waiting for me.

Now let’s get this straight. The likelihood of me ever actually buying anything Gucci is pretty slim but that doesn’t stop be lusting after the sixties/seventies inspired pieces and working out how I can get the Gucci look, my way in my own style.

This particular campaign is set in a villa outside Florence, which basically I want/need to live in. Watch this video and you will see why!

Fashion and style is so interesting, Gucci is high end but there’s so much we can take from designer collections to re-work ourselves for much less. This is why I read magazines like Vogue, yes it shows the trends but if you’re interested in fashion history you’ll generally spot that what’s ‘on trend’ is actually just a re-work of something familiar.

The geometric midi dresses, casually undone hair and that amazing gold pleated skirt in the video – all items easily obtainable on the high street or if you hunt vintage and charity shops. It’s not about trying to be ‘oh so Gucci’ it’s about taking inspiration from something you like and reworking a look or trying something new. Clash up your florals, add a different belt to a dress, and wear sparkly shoes with day wear. Why not? For me this Gucci collection is about an encouragement to experiment.

yellow gucci cruise 2016

Key things to look out for when shopping to obtain the ‘Gucci Cruise’ look:

  • Midi dresses – look out for patterns and stripes.
  • Neck Scarves – Unbelievably versatile and a quick cheap way to style up your outfit in a homage to Gucci.
  • Block heels – EVERYWHERE right now. Make the most of shop sales and look out for sparkly ones. DO NOT think you can only wear these for parties. If you love them then wear them whenever you wish.
  • Metallic skirts – Realistically these might be easier to pick up on the high street than going vintage or second hand but don’t let that stop you hunting. eBay is ideal for fashion missions like this!
  • Florals - Cardigans and jumpers are ALWAYS easy to source.

The chances are you already have some of these items in your wardrobe, which means you might be on your way to the Gucci Cruise style without knowing it.  I’m certainly going to have a little look through my wardrobe with this campaign as my inspiration….. but I know that I will need to hunt down a metallic skirt, which is now firmly on my lust list!

Want to recreate high end looks at high street prices? Then make sure that you subscribe to Vogue magazine with magazine.co.uk – high end style at a bargain price!