How Coast magazine helped change my life

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One of our favourite craft bloggers, Kate from Crafts on Sea, tells us how Coast magazine helped her to make the big move - prepare to get inspired for the New Year!

Coast magazine
Most of us love the chance to relax with a magazine, they're a great opportunity to kick back, be inspired or learn something new. I guess for a lot of us magazines are a reflection of the lives that we want to live and for me that's certainly true. This last year has been one of massive, positive upheaval in my life and a lot of that is due in part to my love affair with reading magazines. They were the impetus that helped me change our family's story as we uprooted ourselves from our home in Essex and decide to give it a try at living our dream lives in Cornwall instead.

Coast magazine February 2017 - inside

Off and on I've been reading Coast magazine for a few years, either picking it up in the supermarket as a treat or reading copies left in holiday homes we stayed in, flicking through the pages while looking out on the beach huts at Mersea Island sat on a towel on a beach in Devon. We went on holiday to Cornwall half a dozen times, first myself and my husband and then when our son was born with him, too. Like a lot of people we'd talk about how we wanted to live there (because who doesn't want to always be on holiday?) but then we'd go home. But still looking through the magazines, still dreaming of the places we'd like to visit, reading the stories of the people who'd made those big decisions and moved too.

Coast magazine winter walking

With the birth of our second child we knew that we'd have to move to a bigger property soon and then one night I did one of the things I do best: I had a couple of glasses of wine and made a big crazy decision. If we were going to move, why not move where we wanted to live? Instead of it being a daydream to be had with a magazine and a cup of tea, why not give it a go? So we did.

Coast magazine February 2017

It's been eight months since we uprooted our kids, pulled them out of school and nursery, said goodbye to friends and family and moved from one side of the country to the other. And every day I am so glad that we made that decision. When I see the sea walking into town, when I'm pulling on my wellies for another walk on the beach even in the cold, when I'm showing my kids the treasures hidden in rock pools - every day I know we made the right choice. Buying a magazine isn't a golden ticket that will change your life, but sometimes it will give you enough of a push to make your daydream real.

Fancy a change of scene? Try Coast magazine for the best of life by the sea throughout the seasons ⛵️