Finding Fitness You Love

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Getting fit and feeling great is about finding exercise you actually enjoy that makes you feel good and look your best. Here are the titles the team love for keeping them inspired, motivated and moving all year round... here's to finding fitness you love!

Hate the gym?

Photo by Nitish Meena, Unsplash

If the thought of buying a gym membership sends shivers down your spine, you may just want to head outdoors instead. The benefits of walking have been praised by health professionals for decades as a great way to stay fit and trim without heavy impact on your muscles, joints and bones. With so much countryside in the UK, we're truly spoiled for choice - why not try the hilly South Downs, wild Brecon Beacons or the picture-postcard Lake District? We're big fans of The Great Outdoors magazine for ideas on where to walk, equipment to help you hike all year round and breathtaking views worth marching for. Now all you need is a good pub afterwards...

Need to slow down?

Photo by Aral Tasher, Unsplash

If 2017 is your year to breathe, be mindful and take good care of yourself, then yoga is a great lifestyle choice for keeping fit. A fantastic way to build lean muscle as well as stretch your body and build stamina, yoga is a beneficial workout for all ages and levels of fitness. Promoting steady, slow breathing, it's also a great stress buster - perfect if you're just winding down for the evening or want to make a more restful start to your day. Try OM Yoga and Lifestyle magazine for tips on your technique and retreats to escape to. And breathe...

A workout you can do anywhere?

Photo by Curtis Mac Newton, Unsplash

If you're constantly on the go, a gym membership isn't always realistic. We say hit the pavement, park, beach or treadmill; running not only burns calories to the max, but also helps to clear your head and provide a nice hit of endorphins - the happy hormones. It doesn't matter if you're a total beginner, running is an exercise for everyone and is enjoyed by millions around the world as a free and fun way to keep fit. There are plenty of running clubs across the UK if you'd prefer to run in a group; just google or look out for local ads to find your nearest club. If you're new to running or want to know the best way to avoid injury, increase your speed and steady your pace, try Men's Running or Women's Running - both are full of handy guides and expert tips. Who knows - you could be entering a marathon in 2018!

Feeling motivated to move your body in a new way this year? Check out our health and fitness magazines for inspiration!