How my bathroom got featured in Ideal Home

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Lifestyle blogger Clare from Maybush Studio recounts how she ended up posing for pictures in her bathroom with morning sickness.


If you open up the August issue of Ideal Home magazine and turn to page 144 you will see a large photograph of me posing in our bathroom. I must say now that it isn't the most flattering photograph of me (though the bathroom itself looks lovely) as it was taken when I was two months pregnant and still at that horrible stage where all I wanted to do was sleep and all food was a complete turn off!


So how did me, my morning sickness and my nautical bathroom end up in print? Well the story starts last year when we spent several months carrying out a complete transformation of our hundred-year-old bungalow and turning it into a two storey New England style home.

The structural engineer who did the plans for us passed our name on to a freelance writer who sold the story of our house transformation to a couple of magazines. One of those magazines was Ideal Home (we were also in the May issue!) and as a result they saw the photos I published of our bathroom on my blog and asked to feature it.

Believe it or not the styling and photographing of that bathroom actually took an entire day to do! There was lots of discussion about the exact position of the blue chair in the room, the photographer unscrewed the door from its hinges to get a better shot and my taps have never been quite so polished and shiny in their lives!

It was fascinating to witness the whole process, particularly as I am a keen photographer myself. Most of the items you see in the photo were mine (with the notable exception of those lovely stripy towels) and I was pleased to see that the photographer didn't try anything I hadn't already thought of for the pictures.


The stylist even gave me some advice about how to dress our bedroom and promised she'd do a piece on it when we've done the work, so we might do it all over again at some point... hopefully this time without the morning sickness though!

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