Taking inspiration from Black & White Photography magazine

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For lovers of photography, having something tangible is a great source of inspiration. magazine.co.uk blogger network member Kerry from Missy Vintage explains why her Black & White Photography magazine subscription continues to aid her creative process.

tights black and white photography

For readers of my blog and those who know me it will come as no surprise that when magazine.co.uk  got in touch to see if I’d like to join them as a blogger, one of the magazines  I was interested in reviewing/taking inspiration from was something art related and more specifically photography related.

I’ve been taking photographs since a child. This was in the days when you had a 110 film camera and if you didn’t have a fancy pants one with a built in flash then you had to buy the flash bulbs which were like little cubes to attach to your camera.

Photography is such an all-inclusive form of art/activity. It could be said that it the most accessible art form in the sense that most of us have access to a camera in some shape or form even  if that’s just on your phone. Platforms such as Instagram allow us to curate our lives and within a few taps we’ve uploaded an image, played with filters and shared with an audience.

I’m not precious about what I make images with. Yes I have beautiful Nikon DSLR’s but I also have basic SLR’s, 35mm point and shoots, my phone and my iPad. ALL are used in some way or other. I’m a photographer and if I use my iPhone to take a picture it doesn’t change that fact.

girls night out iphone

If you’re a photographer or even just like taking photographs for fun  (yes that includes selfies!) photography magazines can be brilliant inspiration and an excellent resource to enhance and grow how you’re interacting with whatever it is you’re wanting to photograph.

The winter 2015 edition of Black + White Photography for example is full of articles about photographers, exhibitions and suggested reading. There are a few articles on equipment but only a few - this magazine is picture heavy which for me is the right balance. I want imagery and inspiration rather than information on the latest cameras.

There’s an interesting look at the work of Alex Schneidham who has published a book called Want More. Through Alex’s time amongst shoppers we’re shown retail life from candid shots of shop staff to street photography of people laden with bags.

photography magazine alex schneideman

In this issue, the magazine has also announced its Black and White photographer of the year which for 2015 is Vicki Painting. My only criticism is that I’d like to have read about the artist but perhaps that’s to come in a later edition.

photography magazine  black and white

Plus there’s an article on apps for phones and I would agree that Hipstamatic is an excellent one if you’re interested in adding a different aesthetic to what an Instagram filter will give you.

As a final word can I just add that my resolution for 2016 is to actually print my images more – remember when we used to put photographs in albums? Let’s bring it back!

For a different take on photography, why not subscribe to Black & White Photography magazine and save on the cover price today?