Taking inspiration for the everyday from Women’s Health magazine

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Magazines can be a source of inspiration for many, but what’s important is being able to apply this inspiration to your everyday life. magazine.co.uk blogger network member Emma, from Beauty By Emma discusses how she applies what inspires her from Women’s Health magazine to her day to day life.

womens health magazine issues

When it comes to eating healthy and keeping fit I'm the kind of person that needs a lot of motivation, I try to surround myself with inspiring Instagram profiles, websites, television shows and magazines, my favourite one being Women's Health magazine.

Every month it helps to keep me on track with regards to a healthy diet and getting in some form of exercise most days, each issue is packed full of really interesting information and advice as well as lots of recipes, fitness routines and real life weight loss stories.

womens health magazine khloe kardashian

I love how each month features a different celebrity who talks about their health and fitness journey and shares their tips and tricks to staying in shape. My favourite so far was the Khloe Kardashian interview where she spoke about how hard it's been for her to lose weight and how harsh the public have been about her body, I think it makes us 'normal' women feel better to know that celebs have body issues too and worry about things just like we do.

womens health magazine boot camp fitspiration

I really enjoy reading the stories about Women's Health readers weight loss journeys, it's so inspiring to see someone like you doing it and it gives me a real boost to stick with it too. They share some great tips on what to snack on, which workout moves they love and what inspires them, it's definitely a must read section for me every month.

womens health magazine exercise expert

The workout section is great because it helps me to mix up my workouts every month instead of doing the same things all the time which is essential in keeping your body guessing and continuing to lose weight.

womens health magazine week on a plate diet

Another favourite section of mine is the page at the back called 'My Week On A Plate' where celebrities or sports personalities keep a food diary for one week noting down everything they've eaten and at what time for seven days. I find it so interesting to see what other people eat and it sometimes gives me inspiration to try new foods that I've never eaten before, I also find it interesting that an expert gives their opinion of what they've eaten and gives them advice on how they could do better because sometimes we think we're being really good and don't realise that there are hidden fats or sugars in foods that we think are really healthy.

womens health magazine recipe and food ideas

Lastly I love the recipes, there are always lots of super healthy meal or snack ideas that really help keep things interesting where the diet is concerned because for me I get bored of foods easily and that's when I fall off the diet wagon, I need to keep changing up what I eat and the recipes in Women's Health each month really help me do that.

If you’re looking for realistic health and fitness inspiration, then look no further than a subscription to Women’s Health magazine.