Natural beauty tips from Natural Health

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Beauty blogger Amber from Amber’s Beauty Talk shares the health benefits of rose hip, found in the latest issue of Natural Health.


Natural Health is the UK's number one magazine for alternative health and wellbeing. Now before I lose you there, don't worry, it’s not just for yoga-loving, hippie lifestyle, alternative therapy kind of people. It's full of natural beauty products, tips & tricks on how to get rid of ailments naturally, great advice on nutrition and just a general feel-good read.

The magazine has recently had a makeover and it's looking better than ever. Although I follow a lot of green beauty bloggers, I still enjoy reading Natural Health on Sunday mornings in bed with breakfast and a cup of tea. I love learning all about the new beauty products that'll be stocked in my favourite green beauty stores over the next few months or educating myself on which herbs and flowers are great for helping certain ailments. It’s great — I learn something new every month.

An article all about roses caught my eye in this month's issue. It's an extract taken from a book by Amy Jirsa — a herbalist and yoga instructor — called Herbal Goddess. We all know how gorgeous a bunch of roses looks on our coffee table or in our garden, but do you actually know how great they are for your skin and health?


Roses have a huge variety of benefits such as being anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and mildly sedative. Rose hips are high in vitamin C and also contain vitamins A, B3, D and E. They can also help when taken internally with protecting your body from free radicals. And ladies… they can even help with easing pain and discomfort during that certain time of the month. Next time you're doing the weekly shop, visit the tea aisle and find one that contains rose hips.

Rose hips are also hugely beneficial for your skin. You'll often find rose hip oil or products with rose hips inside to be great for rosacea as it can calm the redness. You can also use rose petals in a face mask which can be wonderful for your skin.

Mix some powdered rose petals with some clay, using French green for oily/troubled skin, bentonite for serious healing and white for sensitive dry or mature skin. Then when you want to make the mask, simply add in some apple cider vinegar and some carrier oils like almond or jojoba. Finish off by adding essential rose oil for added benefits and a lovely scent.


I also loved reading about Zandra Rhodes' new collaboration with People Tree, an ethical clothing company. CEO Safia Minney tells us all about the new collection and her trips to Bangladesh and India with Zandra. It's so important to shop with companies who treat their staff ethically and support fair trade. I love People Tree so it was lovely to read about their time spent together.

If you're looking to approach a more natural lifestyle or even just want to green up your beauty routine, subscribe to Natural Health.