New Year, New You

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new year new you

At the start of each new year, we are presented with a blank canvas and the opportunity to create an entirely new masterpiece. With a clean brush in hand and a fresh palette of colours, we have the power to decide the fate of our portrait all over again.

New Year, New You

As we close the door on 2017, we look forward to what lies beyond the gateways of 2018; the possibilities suddenly seem endless and the idea of reinvention is ever so enticing. To narrow down your long list of plans, goals and hopes for the new year, here are a few realistic approaches you can take to achieve that new year, new you approach for 2018.

Fitnessfitness new year new you

As wearable technology continues to steadily evolve, fitness fanatics have been taking full advantage of the new and exciting gadgets that have come along with the rapidly growing movement. Gadgets such as the Fitbit Surge 2 is designed to actively help you manage and keep track of your fitness and health on a daily basis. It is an innovative device that will help make your goals for improving overall health and wellbeing that much more achievable. Why not find even more tailored advice on how to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle with a Health and Fitness magazine subscription?

Stylestyle new year new you

Looking the part is just as important as playing the part. How do you expect to debut your new year, new you self in last year’s fashion trends? Let the yearly wardrobe cleanse commence; those long-lived and outdated pieces will need to step aside and make room for the latest and must-have trends of the season. To help build your ‘new year’ style with confidence, the Style Counsel app is a great tool where expert stylists are actively available to help style you from head to toe (Pssst! It's easy to keep up to date with all the latest fashion trends and styling tips with an ELLE magazine subscription)...

Financefinance new year new you

Hopefully your debts won’t be following you into the new year, but if that is the case, now is the time to confront your demons. At the very top of your ‘2018 to do list’ paying off your debts should be labelled as number one. Achieve a clean slate with your finances for 2018 and you will then be free to design the rest of your financial year however you like. Whether that involves instilling a strict savings plan or cutting costs where you can, the ‘new you’ will use apps like Mint and be super money smart. We recommend a monthly dose of expert advice and motivational tips for making smart money decisions with Moneywise magazine.

Healthy Diethealthy new year new you

Don’t let the word ‘diet’ scare you from trying healthier food options this year. A diet doesn’t involve starving yourself, it involves actively trying to make healthier decisions when it comes to food. Maybe the new year, new you will practice having less takeaways and instead trying out homemade, fresh and exciting recipes like Fruity Date Porridge from health food experts Rude Health. We're fans of the Healthy Food Guide for a trustworthy and reliable guide to help you achieve a healthier, happier you.

Ready for all the new year has to bring? Find a glossy new read for 2018 with our bestselling magazine subscriptions and make this new year, new you a reality!