Switching Up My Routine With Women's Health

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Striving to live and eat healthier? Chantelle from Mamma Mummy Mum shares how her routine with Women’s Health inspires her…

Woman's Health Magazine front cover featuring a healthy woman in a white bikini

In general, I am a person who tries to remain healthy. I find it’s all about balance and my aim is to stick to an 80/20 ratio – eating healthy 80% of the time and allowing treats for the other 20%. Along with this I try to keep up a good exercise routine, but of course like with other things in life, I can sometimes get stuck in a rut. This where Women's Health magazine comes in handy.

I've been purchasing this magazine for over a year now and I have to say I've never been disappointed by its contents. With a variety of tips, interviews, recipes, fashion and exercise routines, there is plenty to read and make use of. I've been known to keep copies for quite a while as I don't want to lose the recipes and workouts that I've come to enjoy.

The different recipes give me the incentive to try out different foods – l've found this has stopped me from falling off the healthy food wagon as I haven't allowed myself to become bored with what I'm eating. The other good thing is there is something for everyone whether you're a vegetarian, vegan or perhaps you're trying to stick to a gluten free diet.

Women's Health also keeps you in the know with all the latest "super foods", the benefits of eating certain ingredients and how to incorporate them into your own diet. I'm all for trying new things! There is also advice on how to switch up certain ingredients, adapting some of your favourite meals to turn them into a less calorific version.

Woman's Health Magazine feature about a healthier burger recipe

My main interest in this magazine has to be the exercise routines. I find changing my work-outs keeps me motivated but it also gives my body that extra push that it needs to keep on changing. There's only so many times I can repeat the same old exercise DVDs and it's handy to have both the pictures and written instructions to show you just how to do each exercise correctly.

I love a good HIIT workout and the exercises provided in each issue give me inspiration to make up my own routines. It's also interesting to see just what works for others. In the latest issue Natasha Oakley's 16 day tone up definitely caught my eye, I mean you only have to look at her body and think if it works for her then I'm definitely going to give it a go!

Woman's Health magazine guide to HIIT and abs work-out

And of course it isn't all about celebrities, you get a glance into regular people's routines and see their transformations too. I think this is important because it goes to show we aren't all going to be the same shape or size but we are all capable of making changes to our bodies.

Women's Health is a magazine that I would quite happily recommend to anyone and one that I will continue to read and be inspired by.

If you need to revitalise your routine, subscribe to Women’s Health Magazine and get regular health, fitness and nutrition advice sent straight to your door.

This is a guest post via the magazine.co.uk blogger network.