Vegan Life magazine review

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Cruelty-free, vegetarian and vegan beauty blogger Gemima, from Lovely Witches, discovers her magazine match in Vegan Life.


Last week I was very excited to get my first copy of Vegan Life, a magazine I'd heard so many good things about. After quickly devouring the contents from cover to cover I have to say it's even better than I was hoping!

Packed with vegan information, interviews and recipes I love the encouraging message and positivity of the whole magazine. As a long time vegetarian I was really pleased to find there's no guilt or shame towards non-vegans, only joy and inspiration for being a more conscientious consumer.

Included are lots of useful tips, such as how to 'veganise' eggs for baking, as well as my favourite 'The Accidental Vegan' page which highlights products you might not expect to be vegan, like bourbon biscuit spread!


There's a real community spirit to the magazine, with cruelty-free news from around the world and features on vegan places to eat, both abroad and at home. I also enjoyed the letters from the readers across the world discovering the magazine for the first time. All the adverts are relevant, promoting upcoming events and tasty vegan snacks. With giveaways every month, there's also a chance to win vegan prizes such as cruelty-free beauty products and cooking courses.

Vegan Life has such a great variety of vegan news, interviews, recipes and informative articles. The magazine presents balanced arguments both for and against controversial topics such as supporting zoos and boycotting palm oil, which I found really thought-provoking. Other articles shine the spotlight on rescue pets, eating calcium without dairy and the rise of meat consumption in China.

Issue 6 had some fantastic interviews with vegan business owners. I've been a subscriber to The Vegan Kind box for a while now so it was super interesting to read an interview with the founder Karris McCulloch. Another vegan brand that had been on my radar but I was yet to try is PHB Ethical Beauty, so after reading the interview with the founder Rose Brown I placed my first order for a new cruelty-free mascara and moisturiser. It was so inspiring to read interviews with two young business women who want to make a difference to the world.


From issue 7, I had a go at making the pancakes recipe from the breakfast ideas page. I'd never made vegan pancakes before and was very pleased that they turned out to be absolutely scrumptious. Perfect with maple syrup and blueberries on top! Reading the recipes has definitely made me realise how easy it can be to replace dairy for other ingredients like bananas and almond milk. Some more of the treats I'm planning to make are the mango summer rolls, the pina colada shake and the chocolate hazelnut avocado torte. They all look delicious!

I'll be keeping my copies to read again and for making more of the recipes! Already I can't wait to get the next issue. For anyone interested in cruelty-free living, I can wholeheartedly recommend Vegan Life as an inspiring magazine for leading a more mindful and caring lifestyle.

Like the sound of Vegan Life? Subscribe and save today.