Six reasons why the latest Runner's World magazine was perfect for me

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A magazine subscription isn’t just something to read – each issue is packed full of insight, tips and recommendations on a variety of interesting topics. Nickie O’Hara from I am Typecast, gives 6 reasons why the latest edition of her Runner’s World magazine subscription was perfect for her.

runners world magazine cover

For years now I have carried my Kindle with me on an almost daily basis. I usually have around three books on the go or get completely and utterly engrossed in one that I can’t put it down. I am, however, a very tactile person and love to read real magazines where I can scribble notes on the pages and tear out articles to put on my pin board for inspiration.

Running is my new love. I’ve been part of a community running group for over a year now and have just upped my distance. I’m also entered into a few races to keep me motivated and focused. Runner’s World magazine is the perfect read for me, and here’s why.

  1. Gorgeous pictures of trainers

I never thought I would get excited about pictures of running shoes but this week I have been in the market for a new pair of trainers. Picking up my copy of Runner’s World and actually looking at the adverts helped me to make a shortlist of running shoes that would be suitable for my needs.

runners world running trainers

  1. An article about boosting my stamina

Running is my own personal battle. I’m not a fast runner but wish I was. Running doesn’t really come naturally to me, although I can see how much improvement I’ve made over the past year. Any hints and tips on how to improve my performance always come in handy.

  1. The advice on fighting injury

This issue had a multi-page feature on how to stay injury-free and also how to cope with injury and come back from it. Ironic really as I’d taken time out with a small niggle and was worried about how my progress was going to be affected.

runners world wearable tech running

  1. Comparing fitness trackers

I recently splashed out a ridiculous amount of money on a fitness tracker. I made careful consideration before I bought but was already swayed towards one particular brand because I had used their products before. Reading this article confirmed that I’d made the right decision.

  1. Food, glorious food

I sway between eating fairly well (Sunday to Thursday) and eating complete junk (Friday and Saturday) so recipe suggestions and information about why and how specific types of food will help as fuel for my body are always welcome.

  1. Exercises to do between sessions

I’m a bit of a freak when it comes to warming up and stretching out before and after running sessions. I have a whole routine that I do with my running group that works up (or down) the whole body. I also occasionally attend a core fitness class once a week but there’s always room for more mini-workouts, especially when catching up with my favourite TV programme in the evening.

If you’re looking to improve your fitness, or want to focus on achieving your running goals, a subscription to Runner’s World magazine would be the perfect treat for yourself – or gift for someone else!