A Review of Woman's Weekly Magazine

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Arts & Crafts and lifestyle blogger Natasha Mairs of Serenity You tells us why Woman's Weekly magazine isn't just for 'the older woman'...

When my sister came round to my house the other day and found me sitting at the kitchen table reading Woman's Weekly, she laughed and asked why I was reading an old woman's magazine when I am only 31. I replied "Because it has a bit of everything in". And it’s true.

121 Girls

The magazine is aimed at older women as evidenced by the women on the front covers, but that doesn't actually matter, as this magazine has everything in that you need. Fashion, home life, crafts, gardening, travel, health, stories, recipes, horoscopes and puzzles - there is something for everyone to enjoys.

In the March 1st issue there were some fab articles: 'Goodbye and Thank You' was a tribute to the former Woman's Weekly columnist, Sir Terry Wogan; 'Mindfulness Made Easy' focused on ways to help you de-stress in just 6 weeks; and 'Obesity, Why it's So Bad For Our Health' had some great tips on how to keep your weight under control.


As the magazine is aimed at slightly older women, the fashion isn't to my taste. But I'm very picky, so clothes in fashion magazines aren't really to my taste either. In this issue they showed you different way to wear one pair of trouser and some fabulous bags. I really love my bags and enjoyed looking all the brightly coloured ones.

Each issue has a few crafts for you to try your hand at. In this issue it showed you how to give your old furniture a new lease of life and how to knit a lovely top. There are also home trends that I love looking at and finding ideas for my own home.


My favourite part is the recipes, as I love my food and like to try new things. This issue had 6 great puddings to make; I particularly liked the Chocolate 7 Espresso Pudding and the Chia Tea & Pistachio Pudding. Very different, but looks absolutely delicious.

And last but not least, the bit I like to save until I’ve read the whole magazine is the puzzles section. They have two pages of puzzles each week and my favourite is the Sudoku. I love trying the crossword too, but can never get all the answers.


Like I said, there’s something for everyone. Other parts of the magazine I especially enjoy are the horoscopes, health advice from Dr Melanie, Here To Help page and the Expert Q&A page. So if you are looking for a great magazine to read at the end of a busy week, subscribe to Woman's Weekly and have it delivered straight to your door. You won’t regret it!