Blueberry Cheesecake Blondies - A Recipe from Delicious Magazine

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Looking for a yummy treat that looks as good as it tastes? Kat from The Baking Explorer crafted these incredible blondies from a recipe in delicious. magazine

Who can resist a magazine called Delicious?! If the title has any clue to its contents then you are in for a treat. Each issue is packed with a huge variety of recipes, from meaty mains to veggie fare and light bites to sweet treats. In the issue I selected this recipe from, a special cake booklet was included full of tempting baked goods. I struggled to pick something as it all looked so tasty, but I finally narrowed it down to these Blueberry Cheesecake Blondies. I am huge fan of blueberries, I eat them most mornings for breakfast with yoghurt and my weekend treat is blueberry pancakes. Combining them with cheesecake and white chocolate sounded absolutely sinful, yet completely irresistible!

Blueberry Cheesecake Blondies, a recipe from a 2016 issue of Delicious Magazine


For the sponge:
230g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
170g unsalted butter, melted
200g light brown sugar
2 medium free range eggs, beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
110g blueberries
100g white chocolate

For the blueberry compote:
140g blueberries
30g caster sugar
2 tsp lemon juice

For the cheesecake:
1 medium free range egg, beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
120g full fat cream cheese
40g unsalted butter
30g caster sugar

Preparation time: 55 minutes, plus cooling and chilling

Serves: 12

blueberry blondies


To make the compote I put the blueberries, sugar and 1 tbsp water in a pan and cooked them until the blueberries started to break down (around 7 minutes). I then took them off the heat and whizzed the compote to a smooth texture using a hand mixer.

For the cheesecake I combined all the ingredients in a bowl using an electric mixer until it was smooth and free from lumps.

To make the sponge I mixed together the melted butter, brown sugar, eggs and vanilla. I then sifted in the flour and baking powder and added the salt. Finally, I folded in the blueberries and white chocolate (I used white chocolate chips).

I lined a traybake tin with greaseproof paper and poured in the sponge batter, then the cheesecake mixture, then put blobs of the compote over the top. I used a knife to swirl it around and baked it on 200C/180C Fan/Gas Mark 6 for 25 minutes. I then left it to cool completely.

blueberry cheesecake blondies

Wow these blondies are so good! The combination of sweet white chocolate, creamy cheesecake and fruity blueberries is an immense flavour and texture explosion. I shared these with my friends and had so many compliments about them. They also look really pretty too, which is always a bonus!
Tempted to whip up something tasty in the kitchen? Subscribe to delicious. magazine and get inspired with mouth-watering baking treats, mid-week meals and family feast recipes delivered direct to your door.

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