Finding Different Ways to Learn

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Mummy blogger Tami Anderson of Mummy of Two tells us why Eco Kids Planet is the perfect remedy for inquisitive and intelligent kids...


My seven-year-old son, Little Mr A, is like a sponge for soaking up information. He’s always telling me facts he learnt at school or read in one of his books.

Finding different ways to keep him interested and entertained can be a struggle. He has read all of his encyclopedic books many times and knows a lot of the information off by heart. One of his favourite subjects is learning about animals and nature. We often watch wildlife documentaries and once again, he retains all the facts he hears.

One thing I hadn’t thought about was purchasing him a magazine subscription so that each month he would have a new set of facts and information to soak up and learn from. have a really wide selection of children’s factual magazines to choose from, so it was a hard choice to know what to go for.

Having looked through a few of the magazine descriptions I decided upon the Eco Kids Planet magazine subscription. It was said to be a nature and environment magazine for children aged 6-11, so perfect for Little Mr A’s inquisitive mind.

When the magazine arrived he immediately took to it. It looked bright and appealing and he couldn’t wait to start reading. We sat down together to look through the magazine. It was laid out really nicely with facts broken down into bite-sized chunks, perfect for children.

There are lots of bright and colourful images in the magazine to keep Little Mr A’s attention. As well as the facts and images, there are also plenty of puzzles and projects for him to complete too, meaning it is a magazine that will last a long time rather than a quick read and it’s forgotten about.

We would definitely recommend Eco Kids Planet magazine to any child who loves learning more about nature. They are magazines that I know Little Mr A will refer back to time after time and we are really looking forward to the next issue coming through our letterbox soon!