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The 5 Best Football Magazines

the 5 best football magaines

The 5 Best Football Magazines

Football is not just a sport. It is a way of life. Being part of a tribe, wearing your team's colours, celebrating the dizzying highs and navigating the soul-crushing lows are all part and parcel of the beautiful game. Nothing beats the atmosphere of a full-capacity crowd singing your team's colourful chants, but if you can't get to the big game - watching from the comfort of your own home comes in a close second. Football encourages a sense of community, and whether you are a full-on fanatic or a part-time follower, the sport unites all sorts of people from all kinds of backgrounds. 

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The 5 Best Running Magazines

The 5 Best Running Magazines The 5 Best Running Magazines

Running is great for your body. It increases energy levels, it keeps you fit, and it helps clear your mind. With our busy modern lives, it is easy to find a reason not to go for a run. It's been a busy day. The weather is miserable. The housework needs to be done. Tomorrow will be better for it. The fact of the matter is - going for a run is a great way to find the fuel to do the tasks that you’d rather put off. Running energises, encourages, and equips you to feel better about your day-to-day and, more importantly, feel better about yourself.
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The 5 Best Food Magazines

The Best Food Magazines

The 5 Best Food Magazines

Food is not just fuel. It is an experience. There is a universe of flavours to explore, a world of cuisines to discover, and a lifetime to learn what you love to consume. Making food encourages creativity and personal growth, sharing food allows you to connect with others, and the willingness to try new things both broadens horizons and opens your eyes to the endless culinary possibilities from all over the globe.

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The 10 Best Fashion Magazines

The Best Fashion Magazines

The 10 Best Fashion Magazines

Style is a way to show who you are without having to speak, and fashion is much more than catwalks and photoshoots. It speaks to your individuality, represents how you want others to see you, and allows you to connect with others who like to take pride in their appearance. Fashion is an integral part of society, and it bookmarks our shared history with trends, themes, styles, and movements.
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The 5 Best Architecture Magazines

the 5 best architecture magazines The 5 Best Architecture Magazines

Architecture is the conception of a practical, purposeful, and personable design idea. Architects are tasked with creating establishments that build on the past, represent the present, and hold strong for the future.

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The 5 Best Photography Magazines

The 5 best photography magazines

The 5 Best Photography Magazines

A camera is a save button for the mind's eye. Capturing beauty is subjective, but taking photographs on an actual camera is objectively the best way to snap all kinds of memorable shots. Here at, we understand that smartphone cameras don't do the art of photography justice.

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The 5 Best Car Magazines

The 5 best car magazines

The 5 Best Car Magazines

Cars are much more than vessels that get you from A to B. They are vehicles where personalities are born, where life-lasting memories are made, where motoring preferences are established, and where passions are ignited. Nothing beats the thrill of taking to the open road and leaving your everyday worries in your rearview mirror.
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The Best News & Current Affairs Magazines

The Best News & Current Affairs Magazines

The Best News & Current Affairs Magazines

In this busy, ever-changing modern world, keeping up with the latest news affecting society is more important than ever. With politics, the economy, world issues and everything in between continuously evolving - keeping informed and up-to-date is crucial in both our personal and professional lives. Knowledge is power, and attaining the correct knowledge is as fascinating as it is beneficial.

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The Best Nature Magazines

The Best Nature Magazines

Nature is a powerful thing. Being amongst the trees, stars, sea, and open-air can unlock a deeper understanding of the world around you and raise your spirits whilst forming a deeper connection with the planet we call home. Modern lifestyles can often take us away from nurturing our natural needs, and it is important to put down our phones, clock out, and breathe in some fresh air away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

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