Finding Motivation with Women's Health

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Blogger Heather from Of Beauty & Nothingness tells us how she found motivation for the year ahead with the latest edition of Women's Health.

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One magazine that I've wanted to pick up for a while is Women's Health. I never bought it in the past as I thought it would be all about intensive exercise and topics I wasn't really interested in. But I was very wrong!

The majority of articles in Women's Health are very interesting and easy to read and follow. The articles that interested me most were the food-related pieces; did you know that individuals who eat hard cheese on a daily basis have higher levels of the metabolism-boosting fatty acid butyrate? This means that eating harder cheeses is actually good for you... cue the cheese binge!

Another food-related article was about the link between stress, work environment and weight gain. A study conducted by the International Journal of Obesity found that individuals who worked in a office and were stressed put on more weight each year than their less stressed peers. I guess the correlation between stress eating and weight gain is bad news for me!

I love to cook and bake, and if all goes correctly then it's a very rewarding and de-stressing activity. I'm always interested in food-related topics and most of my friends are too, so I'll definitely recommend this magazine to them.

Women's Health also have a fitness/sportswear section which was unexpected, and I now have a few items on my wish list. However, most of them were very expensive so it would have been nice to see some more affordable options!

The layout of the magazine is easy to follow and there are useful and interesting facts, figures and mini articles throughout, as well as long more in-depth/scientific pieces. I have read through two issues so far and it's definitely motivating me to watch what I'm eating this year and to get back into exercising. I can't wait to read the next issue!

One thought on “Finding Motivation with Women's Health”

  • Elaine Livingstone
    Elaine Livingstone February 10, 2016 at 12:00 PM

    this sounds interesting, I like you would have thought this was more aimed at the serious health geeks rather than us normal people, may need to have a look for a magazine in the shops. How interesting on the cheese. wonder if that goes for the lactose free as well?