My five favourite reads from Heat magazine

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Jane from Our Little Escapades explains why there’s more to Heat magazine than celebrity gossip, sharing her five favourite regular features.

Heat magazine covers

Whenever I want a fix of celebrity gossip Heat magazine is always the magazine I reach for, and has been a firm favourite of mine for many years.

Heat magazine covers three main topics, The Famous, Personal Shopper and The Playlist.

The Famous – covers all things celebrity and always has the latest gossip. From the latest break ups and make-ups, to who’s hot and who’s not.

Personal Shopper – covers the latest fashion trends and gives you lots of tips on how to create the latest looks.

The Playlist – covers all of the latest entertainment, from film, TV, books and music. This comes in the form of interviews and picks of the week.

I love Heat’s variety so I decided to share with you my top five favourite reads from Heat magazine.

the week that heat magazine

The Week That… – I love photos and The Week That shares snapshots of what has gone on in the world of celebrity over the past week. Granted, they may not be the most flattering photos for the celebrity involved but its great for a giggle!

Spotted Heat magazine

Spotted – The feature where readers can tweet in their celebrity sightings to share with the world. I love reading these, finding out the places that celebrities like to visit when in England or elsewhere. It can be even more exciting if it’s a place you know or even visit, and if you’re lucky enough to spot a celebrity you could be in the chance of winning £100!

Heat magazine Soapy Bubble

Kay’s Soapy Bubble – Taking a completely different spin with updating us on what is going on in soap land. From being an agony aunt, to finding the weird and wonderful stories in the plot lines. A very refreshing look at what is going on, and keeping you up-to-date with the latest soap news.

Heat magazine likes and dislikes Greg James

Likes & Dislikes – A very simple one page feature where celebrities share with you their likes and dislikes. It’s a very quick read but can be a great insight into their personalities. Nothing can tell more about a person than their pet peeves.

Heat magazine fashion personal shopper

Personal Shopper – There are many different features as part of the personal shopper section but I love when Heat magazine finds you the latest catwalk fashion trends for less on the high street. There’s nothing better than being in the latest fashion at a fraction of the cost!

If you’re looking for the latest celebrity gossip, as well as interesting features then you need a subscription to Heat magazine with! Subscribe today to save on the cover price!