How a bath and Vogue magazine can help make time for you

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Do you take enough time out for yourself?! Kerry from Missy Vintage explains why her Vogue magazine subscription helps her to take time out for herself, and become more productive as a result. Win.

relax with vogue magazine

I don’t know about you but I constantly find managing my time a real struggle. Between doing a full time degree, working on our new house and basically juggling blogging, styling, non-uni photography work and planning Norwich Fashion Week, I feel like I am constantly on the go.

I’m not complaining – if I didn’t love what I do I would probably have stepped back from some of these things by now, but I am realising that sometimes you just have to stop for the day and try and grab some time for yourself.  Even if it’s just an hour in the evening where you can flop in a chair or a bath WITHOUT technology and just read for fun or listen to music.

I can’t be the only one who normally takes their phone (and often my iPad!) in the bath? Firstly it is obviously a disaster waiting to happen (if you’re clumsy like me…) and secondly do you actually relax? I know I don’t.

So this is my new mission – I’ve promised myself that if I’m home in the evenings I’ll schedule an hour (at least) to take a nice long bath armed with some delicious smelling products such as bath oils, face packs and hair treatments along with a scented candle and  magazine or a book.

lavender candle bath vogue

This new ‘me time’ master plan was partly driven by the latest edition of Vogue which I’ve left totally neglected on my desk for well over a week, despite all my good intentions to read it.

I’ve been testing out this bath time reading habit (hopefully it will become a habit!) with some success. Even when my to-do list has been even more scarily long than usual I’ve found stepping away from it and then coming back after a soak in the tub quite productive.

In this busy world I think it’s easy to put yourself at the bottom of a long list of priorities but I think we can all benefit from taking a little bit of ‘me time’.  Although I do read digital articles, for me there’s nothing like wallowing in nice hot bubble bath and taking time out with a printed issue of a magazine.  In fact I can almost feel myself relaxing just at the thought!  Perhaps if you’re pondering gift ideas then a magazine subscription and a few pampering treats could be just the thing to encourage someone to relax and indulge in some reading time.

If you’re inspired by Kerry and want to take some time for yourself, a Vogue magazine subscription would be the perfect reminder for you to take some time offline to relax (whether in the bath, or not!). Make sure that you take advantage of’s great deals and save on the cover price today!