Introducing FitBits

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The latest blogger to join the network is Tess of FitBits.

"Hey, I’m Tess, an ex-smoking, binge-eating layabout turned fitness freak and I write a little health and fitness blog over at

I’m not the fastest, strongest or best runner, boxer, swimmer or cyclist, but I believe in trying, and giving it your all, whatever it is you’re doing. I like to face my fears and push my limits on my neverending chase for endorphins.

Am currently training for Brighton and Fort William Marathons before trying to get my swimming good enough to complete my first triathlon before the year’s out.

Follow me on Twitter @FitBits_"

One thought on “Introducing FitBits”

  • RealTawkFitness
    RealTawkFitness July 15, 2015 at 6:52 PM

    Great job. Motivational. I'm sure that everyone can relate to this.

    Nice blog.