Creating my perfect home with Ideal Home magazine

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Ideal Home magazine is well known for being a great source of home inspiration. blogger network member Caroline, from Diary of a Mum of 3 shares what she has taken so far from her subscription to Ideal Home.

Ideal Home inspiration

Last week I received my first issue of Ideal Home magazine from, and ever since it arrived I have been mostly found curled up on the comfiest chair with a blanket a hot drink and my new magazine.

My online wish list has grown over night and for someone who loves interior design I am now bursting with ideas and inspiration for my own home.

The most recent big feature that got my attention was the ‘Home Ideas’ feature on the 19th Century Dutch house. The work that Jeltje and Erik have done to their home is fantastic! I can only dream of having such a lovely living space, as with 3 small children any calm white spaces tend to end up strewn with toys and colouring pens within 10 minutes.

dutch home inspiration

My dream lounge would certainly have a cream sofa, full of soft cushions and cosy blankets, white furniture and natural accessories, such as flowers and vines, low lighting for the evening, and a deep pile rug under foot. I would love an open fire place with an exposed brickwork chimney breast, probably with some sort of bunting on the chimney breast.

In the magazine they have 4 ‘Home Ideas’ projects, giving you tips and inspiration to transform your home, including my favourite ‘White Tones’ piece. At the end of each article they have tips for creating the space yourselves, with ideal products and great deal products for those on a tighter budget. It really does prove that it is all in the detail, and any room can look amazing for not too much money if you choose wisely and pick the right items to finalise the details.

ideal home white decor feature

One day I will have my ideal serene and calm living space, and I won’t have to worry about felt pens near the sofa, but for now I will embrace the house I have and create a space that may not be calm and serene but it will be perfect for us, and our little family of 5.

For a slice of home décor inspiration each and every month, why not subscribe to Ideal Home magazine with! Not only will you not miss an issue, but you’ll save on the cover price, too!