The period dramas you have to watch

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Inspired by her Sight & Sound magazine subscription, Lisa, from Mathilde Heart Manech offers her period drama recommendations.


I love watching films. Who doesn’t, right? My dad and brother introduced me to some of the greats from an early age (certification wasn’t a thing in our house!) and over the past 35 years they've become a part of my daily routine alongside brushing my teeth, walking the dog and drinking copious amounts of English Breakfast tea.

When I started working in marketing for our local independent cinema, I became even more convinced how important films are in educating, inspiring and entertaining. To feed my love of the big screen I’ve subscribed to Sight and Sound film magazine for my monthly fix of film reviews, interviews and news.

Published by the British Film Institute, Sight and Sound is an inspired and engaging read for all cinema fans interested in art-house, world and mainstream cinema, past and present. I love that I always come away wanting to watch films I might not have considered and that I discover obscure titles too.

I'm a big fan of character-driven period films and now we're settling into the winter season, (and if you need to fill your costume drama-shaped hole left by Downton Abbey), it's the perfect time to escape, pour yourself your favourite pick-me-up and indulge in great performances on the big and small screen.

From left to right: The Imitation Game | An Education | Jude | Populaire | A Very Long Engagement | Sense and Sensibility | The Last of the Mohicans | Far From the Madding Crowd (1967 & 2015)| Wuthering Heights (2009 miniseries)

Suffragette, the British historical period drama about the women’s suffrage movement, which featured in November's issue of Sight and Sound film magazine, is a powerful piece of cinema not to be missed. But, if you’re in the mood to curl up on the sofa now, check out my nine favourite period dramas above, perfect for cold winter's evenings spent indoors.

Fill your boots!


If you have a passion for drama and cinema, then why not subscribe to Sight & Sound magazine?