How I make room for more 'me time'

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Parenting blogger Tami from Mummy of 2 tells us how Simply Sewing magazine has helped her get some ‘me time’ back.


In 2016 I am determined to spend more ‘me time’ making more time for things that I want to do rather than things I have to do.

For my birthday in 2014 I bought myself a sewing machine as I really wanted to make some bits for the home and some clothes for my youngest daughter. I then fell pregnant and time and energy seemed to slip away and I have rarely had the chance to get my machine out at all.

With three children, a house (and a husband!) to look after I am often running around doing things for everyone else and, by the time I am finished, don’t have chance to sit down and do anything for myself. I am determined to set aside a couple of hours a week to sit with my machine and get to grips with it. I might even see about signing up to a sewing class. Now I have two daughters I would love to make them some cute matching outfits!

One thing I always struggle with is inspiration. I have a few books to look through, however, some of those ideas are a bit beyond my skills at the moment.

I am now a quarter of the way into a Simply Sewing subscription and have been really impressed. There are lots of different ideas in the magazine and they range from the very simple to more tricky projects. The issues come with a beautiful fabric sample or free pattern together with a sheet of patterns needed for the projects in the magazine.

I have picked out a few of the projects that I would like to try, the main one being a small toy which they suggest making from an old t-shirt or a baby gro of your child's which I think would be a lovely idea for my youngest daughter. It doesn't require the sewing machine either, I could do it by hand so it will be a nice project to get me back into sewing before I get my machine back out again.

I think it is so important to make some time to do something you want to do otherwise you find yourself running around after everyone else in the family and never finding any time for yourself! I am determined 2016 will be the year I crack the sewing machine and you never know everyone may well be receiving homemade gifts for Christmas!

Simply Sewing has a contemporary look and feel, fresh attitude and features project ideas, beautiful photography and inspiring designs. Subscribe and save today with