Why I Love Look Magazine

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Lifestyle and fashion blogger Heather Nixon from Of Beauty and Nothingness tells us why she loves Look magazine

A selection of issues of Look magazine

Look magazine has been one of my favourite magazines for at least the past three or four years – I've bought so many in that time! Firstly, I love that it's a weekly magazine, which makes it much more up-to-date and relevant than monthly publications. I also love the layout – it's simple, colourful and easy to follow with loads of interesting articles and reviews.

One of my favourite parts of Look magazine is the 'high street catwalk' and 'new in on the high street' sections. Here I can see some of the clothing and accessories that are currently in stores or that are due to come in soon (which really doesn't help my bank balance!) This is the same for the make-up and beauty section, as it shows what's new, what products beauty experts think will rule the cosmetics world, and reviews from editors and readers (including star ratings, which is something I always use on my blog). I think the reader review aspect is a fantastic idea and more magazines should incorporate it!

I'm personally not a fan of the celebrity articles about who's dating who as I'm just not interested at all; this is the same for the more editorial make-up and fashion looks as it's just not applicable to me, or most people reading the magazine unless you work in the industry.

I always gain inspiration from the outfits, make-up looks and product recommendations in Look magazine – it's one of the reasons I buy it again and again, as well as the price and how up-to-date it is (compared to most magazines). It also doesn't just focus on high-end fashion or cosmetics but more high street options, which is a rarity!

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