Love Sewing magazine review

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Vicky Myers from Vicky Myers Creations tells us how Love Sewing magazine has helped revive her passion for sewing...

An issue of Love Sewing magazine

Do you have memories of inspirational teachers? As an eleven year old, I was fortunate to be given a choice of secondary schools. I still remember looking round the two schools. My choice came down to the sewing room – 30 Bernina sewing machines, that’s the school for me!! Thankfully the teacher lived up to my expectations and my adventures in sewing began…

I learnt to sew garments, to follow a pattern, and recognise different fabrics and their properties. However my skill in selecting a pattern and fabric did not always match the vision in my head. Consequently, I stopped sewing garments.

Years later, I have fallen back in love with sewing through sewing bags, refashioning and home products. Gradually, I am starting to sew clothes again too. Love Sewing is a perfect magazine to inspire and enthuse. Each magazine comes with a variety of patterns either printed or to download – each issue always has at least one project I feel inspired to sew.

Sewing a garment takes time, care and the expectation that you will have a wearable garment which fits your shape! This is one of the pleasures of sewing, choosing fabric that you love with patterns that suit your body shape – you are not restricted by the high street and the current in vogue colours and designs!

Homemade red top from Love Sewing magazine

Each issue of the magazine has patterns for women's clothes, bags, items for children and household items such as a tablet cover. It covers basics such as knowing your sewing machine, advice on how to read dress making patterns, to advanced skills such as installing boning. The pitch of the magazine means there is something for everyone be you a beginner or experienced sewer.

There is always a selection of new fabrics reviewed. I particularly appreciate this as I can spend hours on the internet trawling through fabric websites not quite spotting a fabric which stands out… Love Sewing does this for me!

Twirly Girls Knit Skirt sewing pattern

Having finished sewing the Threadcounts Pattern from issue 22 I’m in a dilemma. Do I sew a different version next, sleeveless ready for hot sunny days or do I try a different pattern from the latest issue? I know my daughter will love the Twirly Girls Knit Skirt!

New to sewing or an experienced seamstress looking to perfect your skills? Subscribe to Love Sewing magazine and be inspired every month.