Getting your kitchen Christmas ready with delicious. magazine

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We’re getting closer and closer to Christmas – have you made sure that your kitchen is festive season ready? If not, Tina from The Worktop has the perfect preparation tips for your kitchen as inspired by delicious. magazine.

delicious magazine christmas

The latest issue of delicious. magazine was all about entertaining during the holiday season. The issue contained sample menus and a large collection of recipes for your holiday feasts. Most of the recipes were based on traditional holiday dishes, but there were also features on festive bakes from around the world and an Indian veggie feast.

Besides recipes and cooking, this latest issue also contained a helpful wish list of best gifts for food lovers, and an article about how to be a great guest. Both those articles are timely, especially as holiday parties are approaching.

What I found most helpful in this issue though were tips on preparing for the festive season. What did I learn from the latest issue?

It is a good idea to start preparing your kitchen now for the holiday feasts that are about to happen.

It might sound early, but I wanted to share several things that you can start doing now. If you’ll be cooking a holiday feast, hopefully by doing some of these things now, on the big day you’ll be able to spend more time outside the kitchen with your friends and family.

delicious magazine christmas dishes

  1. Get your shopping done now.

It’s best to start stocking up on food preparation basics as early as you can - foil, freezer bags, baking paper, and even Tupperware for leftover foods. If you know you have these kitchen essentials on hand, you’re less likely to find yourself needing to run to the supermarket at the last minute. Stocking up now will also eliminate the possibility that you are out of foil, just as you need it to cover a casserole in the oven.

  1. Make sure you have the right equipment.

Look through your pots and pans to make sure you ever everything that you’ll need. For example, if you plan on roasting a turkey, make sure you have a roasting tin available to use. If you’re wanting to make mince pies, make sure you have the correct size pans to bake them. Make sure that you look online for special offers if you need to buy new kitchen equipment.


delicious magazine christmas recipe

Image source: orange and fennel salad

  1. Clean out your kitchen to make room for the holiday meals.

It’s helpful to clean out your cupboards and refrigerator, so you’ll have space to store your holiday meal shopping (and of course, any leftovers). Check your cupboards and fridge, and say goodbye to any expired ingredients. The process will also help you take stock of what you currently have own, so you don’t buy duplicate ingredients.

  1. Start cooking dishes that can be frozen.

Many dishes can be prepared and frozen ahead of time. If you can get ahead of the cooking, you’ll find your holiday meal preparations can be less stressful. For example, prepare and freeze a few comforting casseroles that can be served as sides. You’ll just need to pop the casseroles in the oven to heat them up. You can also prepare and freeze some appetizers, such as cheese scones. On the day of the big meal, just warm the scones up in the oven and serve topped with cream cheese and smoked salmon.

Hopefully these tips helped you too! Happy holiday feasting!

A subscription to delicious. magazine will inspire throughout the year – especially at Christmas. Make sure that you, or a foodie friend or family member is inspired year-round with a subscription to delicious. magazine with!