The 5 Best Photography Magazines

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The 5 best photography magazines

The 5 Best Photography Magazines

A camera is a save button for the mind's eye. Capturing beauty is subjective, but taking photographs on an actual camera is objectively the best way to snap all kinds of memorable shots. Here at, we understand that smartphone cameras don't do the art of photography justice.

We have a selection of photography magazine subscriptions that can help beginners learn, encourage established photographers to develop, and help experts discover more.

Whatever your photography experience, our top five photography magazines are packed full of inspiration, information, and advice that all combine to help you make the most of your photography passion. 

Whether you are obsessed with outdoor photo opportunities, prefer portrait pictures, or believe black-and-white photography is the best, we have the ideal photography magazine subscription for you. Continue reading our blog on the Five Best Photography magazines to find your perfect photography partner.

1. Digital Camera

Digital Camera World magazine

Specialising exclusively in digital photography, Digital Camera magazine can help you get the most out of your DSLR or digital camera. Giving you a deeper understanding of the finer details of digital photography - this popular photography magazine shows you how to manipulate different lighting situations with advanced camera settings so that your digital photos always pop. 

Each monthly instalment is packed full of tips and techniques to assist you in progressing your personal photography journey every time a new issue lands through your door. Delivering top-quality advice, in-depth product reviews and recommendations, and guidance on how to fine-tune your photographs with all kinds of editing software - a Digital Camera magazine subscription is the definitive voice in encouraging your digital camera development. 

2. Outdoor Photography

Outdoor Photography magazine

If you are a photographer who loves nothing more than capturing the majesty of the wild and wonderful world around us, Outdoor Photography is the perfect photography magazine for you. Packed full of motivation and methods to snapping the imagery surrounding us, Outdoor Photography features stunning photographs that show you the exciting and endless shooting opportunities available when stepping outside. 

Released monthly, this top photography magazine includes incredible snapshots from both the UK and abroad. It provides a wide range of ‘how-to’ guides that can expose you to the techniques used by professional outdoor photographers. Whether you delight in capturing in the dawn chorus, love a good landscape, or prefer to partake in wildlife photography - an Outdoor Photography magazine subscription offers an essential reading that can help nurture your nature photography passion.

3. Digital Photographer

Digital Photographer magazine

Created to cater to keen photographers of all abilities, Digital Photographer is an inclusive and inspirational digital photography magazine that can help you in all of your photography pursuits. Each issue is loaded with reviews and ratings of all the latest launches and features, as well as a detailed analysis of everything from big-brand DSLRs like Canon and Nikon to smaller bridge cameras from Olympus and Sony. 

Teaching you how to make the most of what you have and encouraging you to connect with a community of like-minded people - a Digital Photographer magazine subscription can increase your knowledge and challenge your performance every month.

4. Black and White Photography

Black & White Photography magazine

Are you mad about monochrome? If so, a Black and White Photography magazine subscription is ideal for you. Offering a collection of contemporary images across a wide range of genres including documentary, still life, landscape, street, and portraiture - this monthly photography magazine gives you the chance to discover some of the finest names within the black & white discipline each time a new issue lands through your door. 

With in-depth techniques and tips dedicated to black & white photography and advice on how to take striking pictures with the absence of colour - Black and White Photography gives you the tools you need to capture the stunning simplicity of black and white imagery.

5. PhotoPlus

PhotoPlus magazine

Last but certainly not least, if you are fully focused on making the most of your Canon DSLR, PhotoPlus entirely dedicates itself to the iconic camera brand to help you cultivate your Canon-capturing capabilities. Each monthly instalment features a plethora of tutorials designed to benefit those just starting out, as well as guidance to help Canon connoisseurs looking to take their photography passion to the next level. 

Covering everything from re-touching your images to shooting in difficult situations - PhotoPlus comprehensively covers all areas of photography to ensure that you and your Canon are making the most of your time spent together. A PhotoPlus magazine subscription can help you to improve your shot and discover different techniques for portrait, landscape, wildlife, still life, black & white and more every time a new edition lands through your letterbox.

Photography is a fantastic way to flex your creative muscles and gives you artistic licence to capture the fascinating world that surrounds us all. Whether you are buying for yourself or are looking to encourage the budding photographer in your life, one of our five best photography magazines will expose you to a treasure trove of tips and techniques to improve your or your loved ones' photography pursuits. Or, if you’re looking for something more specific, why not take a look at the other options available in our comprehensive photography magazine subscriptions category?